St. Bonaventure University

First-Year Programs

You don't start your new life as a Bonnie alone. 我们与您合作的每一步,计划和服务,确保您顺利过渡到大学生活.

Fun at Orientation

New Student Orientation

全年为四组新生举办不同的迎新活动:一年级学生暑期迎新活动, Transfer Orientation, International Student Orientation, 以及一月新生迎新活动.

我们强烈鼓励所有学生参加他们的迎新活动,学习圣. Bonaventure提供的课程以及如何度过他们在这里的第一学期!

July In-person Orientation for first-year students


学生以先到先得的方式预订名额. 远程学生也可以选择参加7月晚些时候的虚拟培训.

Learn more about ORIENTATION AT SBU.

BONA 101. Introduction to St. Bonaventure


本课程将介绍群落和多样性的特征和功能, and explain how students belong and thrive at St. Bonaventure. 该课程还将教授学生有效的学习策略和大学生活的各个方面 preparation and career development.

By exploring facets of St. Bonaventure's mission, and what diversity, equity, and inclusion mean, 学生可以就他们作为世界公民的角色进行更有见地的对话. 这门课是为大学第一学期的学生开设的.

Peer coaching

同伴教练是SBU热情的爱好者和学术成绩良好的学生,他们帮助一年级和转学生过渡到St. Bonaventure University. 同行教练定期向所有一年级学生和转学生伸出援手 basis throughout their first semester at SBU, 以及为一年级学生在整个学期中参与的有吸引力的活动.


First-year student FAQs


How do I register for Orientation? What and when are Welcome Days? How do I sign up for classes? Answers to these and many other questions.